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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Creating Thank You Cards

Creating thank you cards was very fun. I really enjoyed making these cards. All I had to do was make two cards and fold all of the papers. I enjoyed doing this because it was really fun. I am not really an artsy person but this was really fun. My drawing wasn't very good but it was really fun to make. I wish that I was a good drawer but you can't always get what you want. I hope I keep getting better at Globaloria before the year ends. I want to be able to make scenes and then link them together alot faster than I do now.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Assembling Game Demo

            Assembling game demo wasn't hard but it took a while to do. You had to make alot of scenes to do this task. You didn't have to draw pictures but you had to write about your experiences and how you felt about certain things. It took a second to make the scenes but it was easy making them. We had to make back buttons and next buttons on this project. That means double the code. To make it easier I named all the next buttons NEXT and all the back buttons BACK. It took me four days to finish but I did so now I'm doing the blog. I like blogging alot because I think that it's very calming and it soothes the soul.

Adding Anamations

          Adding animations was easy because we just had to make something move. I do that every day in flash. It took me a total of 10 minutes. That was one of the easiest things we ever had to do. I wish that that would have been the only thing that we did the whole year because I would get an A so big that if it exploded then the world would blow up to.

Adding Buttons

      Adding buttons was hard at first. Now I am really good at it. It is one of the easiest things to do in flash. Almost all of my scenes are linked now and that really makes me happy. Now all that I have to do is make more scenes. I also like adding sounds to my buttons. It is really fun making sounds and adding them on buttons. It lets people know that it is my game and I spent alot of time making it. Right now our flash is not working so I will put a picture on later.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Adding Keyboard Links

               Adding keyboard links were very easy for me. I really liked it. I was very happy that I had this skill. I was one of the first people to finish. I am glad Blogger is working now. I didn't need very much help to do this. I usually finish last but this time I got finished before most people. I hope I keep working well. I will put up a picture soon.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Adding Input

       I was really good at adding input. It was very fun to do. I did it really fast and I enjoyed it. I was one of the first people to get it done. I thought that it was very easy. I wish that I was that good at everything. Then I would be a globaloria ninja but no that can't happen.I hope I get better at everything by the end of the year. I will post a picture of my work in a while.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Making my own sounds

     I love making sounds. It is so fun to do and it is pretty easy. It's not like all other globaloria things. It is so fun. I wonder if I can talk during a blog. I will try to do that another time. If I can I will be really excited. The bells about to ring so this is the end of my blog.