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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Worlds Hardest Game

      I love playing the worlds hardest game because it's really fun. There's a lot of links to it but I gave you one that I really like. This probably is the hardest thing ever. This is one of my favorite games but it is really irritating. I wanted to play it this period but I rather have good grades instead of a good time. I will play this game when I get home though. I hope you enjoy the blog. GOODBYE

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Birthday

     April 18th was my birthday. It didn't start off to well because I had to go to school but then it started getting better and better. I got papers back and they were all hundreds and I didn't have any homework. Then we went to my favorite restaurant and ate. It was a really good day but I didn't really have a cake but I don't really care. I never liked cake that much for some weird reason but I love every other chocolatey thing. Enjoy the pictures of super cool cakes.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


        Here's the story. Yesterday I had to dress up for our video presentations. So I put on a dress up shirt and a tie and went to school. I found at that the server was down when I got to school. That means that we couldn't do the presentations because we had to get on the Internet to make them work. Now I have to dress up another day. Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!! I really don't want to but okay I will. Hopefully are computers keep working because we are starting to get very angry with them. So Dear Computer if you don't work we are going to destroy you and then we will get different computers that will not be all no worky. Enjoy the angry pictures of people and computers.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Profile Presentations

       We have to do profile presentations today. I'm not but others in our class have to. We are doing it for the people in New York. We have to dress up and I can't today because I have track. So I will be doing it on Wednesday and I'm nervous. When we are done I will give you the link to the video but for now a link to Viddler will have to do. Enjoy and show me the results of when you guys end up doing this video. I hope that you enjoy the blog and have a really good day. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Virtual Pets

      I just discovered the new best thing ever made. It's called Virtual Pets. I wasn't the one that made them but I wish I did because they are awesome. Thet might be the worlds coolest thing at this point and time. There's a monkey, a turtle, a dog, a cat, a wolf, a pig, and a whole lot more. My two favorites are the pig and the monkey. The pig is cool because it rolls around in the mud and the monkey is cool because it jumps around on tree branches. I hope that they keep making new ones because to me they are a huge success. Thank you for reading and enjoy the pictures of animals.