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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Zoo Pals

     I love Zoo Pals so much. The commercial is not my favorite though. I have six Zoo Pals right now. I have a walrus, a penguin, a dog, a bird, a fish, and a whale. I used to have a giraffe but she had a fatal accident and she is dead. She was a giraffe and her name was Guina Pierra Angledoo. She was put in a trashcan and she was taken to the dump. I blame myself for this loss of life. I hope that she will be found and taken to a new home. Enjoy the pictures of giraffes and if found then please return to me somehow someway. Goodbye and enjoy the pictures and the Zoo Pal link that is found here.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Funny Quotes

      I love funny quotes. They are great. They are probably the best thing that has ever happened to the world. It is fun trying to make quotes and even funner when you look at ones on the Internet. These are some quotes that I found that I thought were pretty hilarious. "Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling." That is some good stuff. Now look at this one. "The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory." That is hilarious to me because it's true. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Now these are ones that have been made in our Globaloria class. "Don't climb the ladder of success." "I got the giggles." This is some good stuff. Thank you for reading and enjoy the pictures of elephants.


Computer Malfunction

    Computer malfunction is the right thing to say. My computer ate part of my game. IT ATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS THIS MADNESS!!!!!! I THOUGHT COMPUTERS WHERE SUPPOSED TO BE MY FRIEND!!!!! This makes me really mad as you can probably tell. It is okay though because I just took some of my game from my Game Demo File. I am not nearly as bad off now. I am still  in a good spot right now and I know that I will finish my game on time. If it would have eaten my whole game then I would have cried for ten to twelve hours straight. If you want to see my Game Demo File then click the blue words that say Game Demo File. Enjoy the picture.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


What is happening in Japan is a tragedy. Everyone in the world is being affected by this tragedy. People in the U.S. have family members in Japan who they can't reach. There is a lot of fear and anxiety over this horrible earthquake that has occurred. On the top of the blog there is a link that goes to a Japan help site. It says ways that you can help with this. The people of Japan need all of the help that they can get. This is something that we will all remember and together we can make a difference. Thank you for reading this blog and please try and help.  

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Adding Animations

    I thought I did this but I guess not. This will give me an A for sure 100 percent. This was kinda hard to do. It was kind of fun but it mostly made me cry my eyes out. This was when I was he worse flash guy around. I have gotten alot better so far this year. This scene didn't come out the way I thought it would but it really looks cool. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog. Enjoy the adding animations picture that I made.

Boy Scouts

Yesterday we had to go to a boy scouts meeting. It was during Globaloria to. I think that I might be behind now. It really makes me nervous because it took me a while to get ahead. If I am then I will eat the Boy Scouts club or organization. I hope that you enjoyed this blog reader of blogs. Plus I hope that you enjoy these two pictures friend of mine. If you comment on this blog I will be very happy. Enjoy my friends

Friday, March 11, 2011

Commenting on blogs

Nobody ever comments on my Blogs any more. That really hurts my feelings. It makes me feel like I'm Blogging for no reason. That is a real waste of time and I want people to comment on this blog. If you don't I'll feel like this.
If you do I'll feel like this.
Thank you for reading and I hope that you enjoy the pictures. From your comment wanting friend Jasiel Nolastname.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dividing Fractions

Multiplying and dividing fractions are very fun. They aren't as difficult as most people think that they are. All you have to do is multiply across and then simplify. It is so easy that you won't be able to beleive it. I am talking about this because it's on my game. It isn't nearly as hard as people say it is and to me it is relaxing and fun. So don't be scared to play my game if you don't know how to divide and multiply fractions.

My game

My game is finally starting to come together. I think that it's starting to look decent. I am glad that Mrs. Sheppard has helped me so much. I hope that who ever is looking at this enjoys my game. I have tried very hard to make this game and it's starting to work out. When we first came into this class I thought that I wouldn't be able to make the game but now I have done it. Thanks for all of the support students and teachers alike.


Now blogger will always work for globaloria. We installed Firefox and it really works. That makes me really happy. Now I can do all of the blogs I need to do. Starting now we are in assigned seats. This is very disappointing because I like sitting in different areas of the room. I guess it is our classes fault though. Thank you for reading and enjoy the pictures
